Historically, organisations offered remote work options as a way to attract and retain top talent.

Equally, it was an opportunity to act as a competitive differentiator and enable agility.

But, as remote operations become the norm, companies can employ exactly the right person for the job. No longer is it relevant where your staff lives, in relation to your offices; the world has opened up.

However, remote work options can bring their own issues. For instance, it is critical that organisations have the right level of threat visibility and response in place to support workers.

In all of this change, still, business continuity remains imperative. Therefore, organisations need to ensure they stay ahead of threats to minimise any impact on their business.


After 30 years working in IT, we’ve seen it all.

From the heady days of selling UNIX accounting systems, and introducing clients to the world of PCs, servers and networks, times have changed.

Arguably, more than any other industry, those of us in the IT have had to move and adapt relatively more quickly. Keeping fully up to date and abreast with technological revolution has been key in supporting our clients.

On this front, C4 Secure has metamorphosed into helping businesses by offering the RSA SecurID® Suite which uses identity insights, threat intelligence and business context. Doing so has enabled us to provide secure access to all users, across all their applications.


We remain traditional IT resellers, offering services and support in all IT matters  .As the tech has evolved, we now live in a time of immediacy, urgency and high expectations.

As a result, everything needs to be speedy and efficient: from grabbing a take-away coffee to business solutions.

For example, employees staying connected and productive anywhere in the world is no longer just considered a benefit, but a real necessity.

This is particularly relevant in the current climate. Whilst COVID-19 has forced us further into a remote working world, the ease in which we’ve all adapted is remarkable.

Further, the benefits of the convenience and effect on the environment are supported by our overwhelming reliance on technology. However, this remarkable transition is not without its fair share of added challenges.

However, what we actually do is deliver peace of mind to end users and to management.

With our help, firms don’t need to worry about contravening strict rules on data access and GDPR regulations. Nor do they need to worry about loss of data due to malicious attacks or plain forgetfulness.

Giving full data security confidence, our services allow our clients to focus on what they do best: conduct their business and deliver their products and services.


Organisations are turning against a growing number of on-premise, cloud and mobile applications.

As a result, their risk of being attacked is increasing, leaving their systems exposed.

In addition, there’s a probability that a single compromised identity can lead to a catastrophic data breach. With most attacks relying on compromised identities somewhere in the chain, identity has become the most consequential threat vector.

RSA SecurID®

Now, more than ever, organisations need a high level of assurance that users are who they say they are.

Therefore, to be effective, and to ensure their businesses stay agile, they need a secure access solution.

However, in all of this perceived complication, the whole package must be user friendly; not slow users down or be too complex.

Instead, it must provide them with a common and convenient experience, to any application, from any device.

RSA SecurID® is that solution. We can make password security a highly controllable matter, designed to give total security and protection to corporate data.

To learn more, get in touch with us today.


This blog was produced in collaboration with Court of Protection Solicitors: Thaliwal & Veja, and written by the team at SEO Agency London: Marketing Voice.

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